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Ordering on our Online Shop is Very Easy simply click on the "BUY NOW!" button or "ADD TO CART" button coming from a mobile of the figurine that you want to order and follow the instructions.
You can place an order for any Lladro figurine from the current Lladro Catalogue, even if it is not displayed in our shop on-line. You may also order if there is no "BUY NOW!" or "ADD TO CART" button. Simply contact Montinas at sales@montinas.com, or call +34.952381178 and
we will tell you if your figurine is available, as well as its final cost.
Remember, before placing your order online of a figurine not shown or with no "BUY NOW!" or "ADD TO CART" button, you need to contact us to confirm the availability and price.
Please fill out the order form, writing the references, descriptions and prices in the comment box (all the requested information that we have sent you via e-mail).
Please follow the following steps to place an order of a figurine not shown or with no "BUY NOW!" or "ADD TO CART" button:
1.- Click on the "BUY NOW!" button or coming from a mobile "ADD TO CART" button, then "CHECKOUT" and it will bring you to a secure order form.
2.- Complete the order form as directed, and include the information you received from us via e-mail in the COMMENT BOX.
The price of $1.00 is a symbolic price. The actual price is in the information we e-mail upon request.
 Lladro Comercial, S.A.
Remember, this sampling is only a small representation of our stock of Lladro figurines. We can get you any LLadro Figurine from the current LLadro Catalogue. If we do not have your figurine in stock, we will order it from the Lladro main factory in Valencia, Spain, and will ship it to you expeditiously.
Request information about our product from sales@montinas.com.
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